Monday, December 9, 2013

Remember Pearl Harbor

 This past Saturday marked the 72nd anniversary of the Japanese attacks on Pearl Harbor.  My husband and I agreed I should write something to honor those lives lost, but what?!  Should I include FDR's famous Infamy speech, or maybe quotes from people who lived it?  But then I remembered what the speaker said at the remembrance ceremony on saturday, " Remember Pearl Harbor"!  Now just think about that a few seconds, yes we all have read about it in history books or see the Hollywood version, but that was not the point he was trying to get across.  "Remember Pearl Harbor."  Remember so each life taken that sunny Sunday morning wasn't lost for nothing. That they died true American Heros. Nothing I can write can do justice to what each and every single man and woman did that day! They each have a story, a personality, and I wish I could tell a story about each and every single one of the over two thousand lost, but I can not. Only they can do that themselves.  So when I think about the saying "Remember Pearl Harbor" I think about each and every single person as individuals not as a number. I think about their stories and what they may have been. I think about how their families never really got closure.  I appreciate, as I hope you do too, their sacrifices so it wasn't in vain. And though I've never met any of them they still hold something in my heart, and hopefully something in every single American heart.  Maybe its hope, maybe its pride.  But whatever it is let us not forget! Because this sort of thing can happen when we start to forget and get complacent, take 9/11 for example.  Remember.. I think that is something they would all want, not speeches and movies, but to just be Remembered....

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