Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Fried Apples

  One of my absolute favorite go-to things to make for any potluck would be Fried Apples, they're simple and delicious! Like a lot of things I cook around here this isn't an exact science, its just more to your prefered tastes.  And I'm 99.9% positive you can't mess this one up! Are you excited as I am yet?!?

What you'll need:
Apple cider or apple juice
Ground Cinnamon
Brown or white sugar

Depending on how many you want to make will of course depend on how many you'll need.  I usually peel and slice about a 1/2 peck or 1/2 gallon for us at home.  Now you'll want to choose apples that will hold their shapes while they cook, some good choices would be Pink Lady, York Imperial, Stayman, Jonathan, Rome, Granny Smith, and trust me on this one Red Delicious. (The best way to choose is to get just get a mixture of several different kinds, that way you'll end up with different flavors and textures and it just makes it extra yummy!)

 Once you've done that daunting task you'll want to peel, core, and slice the apples.  Place them into a skillet with about a tablespoon of oil ( you may need more depending on how many apples you are cooking). Then add about a cup of cider or apple juice.  Now is when it gets really yummy! Next you'll add roughly 1/4 cup of brown OR white sugar, either one works just fine, but if using white sugar I wouldn't use quite as much.  And you can always adjust the sugar to your liking.  Sprinkle with ground cinnamon, and again this will be to your preference, I give it a good dusting! Lastly you'll dot the top with 3-4 tablespoons of butter.  Fry the apples on medium heat stirring occasionally. Once they are tender when poked with a fork they're ready.  And that's it!! Pretty easy peasy right?!?!

Here's the final product.. Tadaa!!!

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